Join the Kuzzle team!
A collective adventure that reveals the best in everyone.
Why join the Kuzzle adventure?
At Kuzzle, we have been the Montpellier rock stars of the Internet of Things and Data Science since 2017. Our team of enthusiasts is united by a common passion: to revolutionize IoT and Data Science by building THE reference IoT Platform. Joining Kuzzle means being part of an ultra-dynamic start-up and a human adventure that has been going on since 2017. Are you passionate about your job? Join the coolest team in the IoT universe!
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Our values are lived every day

Kuzzle Offices
32-34 Avenue Kléber
75116 Paris
219 rue le Titien
34000 Montpellier
Kuzzle IoT, the reference IoT & Data Science platform
Kuzzle is an Open Source software publisher providing an expert platform in the management of the Internet of Things and massive data processing.